Big Brother 24 Turner

Why I Regret Big Brother 24... | #BB24

Unboxing my BIG BROTHER 24 Care Package! | Turner BB24

‘Big Brother 24’: Turner Reveals His Biggest Regret From the Season

‘Big Brother 24’: Turner and Jasmine Butt Heads Over Balloons

The Sword: How Taylor Hale Won Big Brother 24

Big Brother 24 How Turner Ruined His Chances Of Winning | celebrities world

Big brother Turner falls

I was on a Reality TV and STOLE this art piece… *INSANE* #BB24 #BigBrother

Big Brother 24: Turner's HOH Divides the House After Dyre Fest Twist

Turner & Michael are over Jasmine’s birthday demands

Micheal confronts Turner #bb24 #bigbrother

Taylor's lethal eviction speech

Breaking News! Big Brother 24: Jasmine & Turner Get Matching Muffin Tattoos

#bb24 Turner tells Kyle that he knows him and Alyssa 'bleeped'

Turner to the camera 'Why would you pitch an all white alliance!!?? Like what are you doing!?!'

Final Thoughts on Turner's Big Brother 24 Game

Big Brother: Daniel Has Fans RAGING After Bringing Taylor to Tears

Turner chats with Kyle in the HoH room - Big Brother 24 Live Feeds

Meet your Big Brother 24 houseguests! We've got a full house this year 😉🌴 #Shorts #BB24

Turner calls out Micheal and Brittany #bb24 #bigbrother #bigbrother24

Muffin wars Jasmine VS Turner

BB24 Turner builds Jasmine a muffin coffee table

Matthew Turner on His Exit From the Big Brother House | Entertainment Weekly

Turner is over Brittany #bb24 #bigbrother